
Crock Pot Lunch & AGM to Follow

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Crock Pot Lunch & AGM to Follow

Join us for our monthly Crock Pot Lunch as we enjoy this cozy weather by eating together, drinking hot cocoa, and tasting some yummy fall goodies! Please invite your friends and family to join in as we build community and fellowship with one another!

Afterwards we will have our Annual General Meeting as we review the past year, discuss the church’s vision for the future, and make important decisions together as a community. All members are encouraged to attend!


When: After the gathering on Oct 27th

Where: LGCA

What to bring: Sign up to bring food below!


Event Details
27. 10. 2024.
12:00 pm - 2:30 pm
The Shore
Lions Gate Christian Academy
919 Tollcross Road
AGM on October 27 2024

The Shore Church

Lions Gate Christian Academy 919 Tollcross Rd. North Vancouver, BC V7H 2G3