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The care ministers at the Shore Church view themselves as fellow sinners, sufferers, and saints. We desire to walk alongside you as ones who identify with the experience of human sin and pain in the truth of our Christian identity.


The Shore Church believes that the Bible is God’s word and thus, it is true and without error and good for training in life and godliness (2 Timothy 3:162 Peter 1:3-9).


The Bible is more than a book of true facts. However, its truths are living and active, meant to connect with and transform every aspect of our lives. In 2 Timothy, we are reminded that “all Scripture is breathed out by God and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16).

David Powlison explains,

“The utter simplicity and unsearchable complexity of Scripture enlightens us about God, about ourselves, about good and evil, true and false, grace and judgment, about the world that surrounds us with its many forms of suffering and beguilement, with its opportunities to shed light into darkness. Through such teaching, riveted to particular people in particular situations, God exposes in specific detail what is wrong with human life. No deeper or truer or better analysis of the human condition can be concocted.” 

We believe in the sufficiency of God’s word to help bring about change in even the darkest situations. Why? Because these words were written by the God who created you, knows you, and loves you.


We acknowledge that—in certain seasons of life—each of us may need the careful thought and prayerful wisdom of another to help us make connections between Biblical truth and what is going on in our own hearts. Two important aspects of the Care Ministry process are understanding who God is in the midst of pain and understanding why it is we struggle in the ways that we do. Our Care Team is available to help with whatever you are struggling through and we pray that you would reach out for help if you need it.

The primary way we care for people within our church is through the leaders of our Community Groups.

However we also provide care in the following ways

Biblical Counsel

If you want to talk with or pray with a pastor, please email and he will respond as soon as he is able.

Benevolent Help

Seeking help financially – please reach out to and we will direct you to our benevolent team.

Hospital Visitation

We want to be here for you and your loved ones. If you would like someone to come to you or a loved one please contact and we will arrange a time for prayer and visitation.

Emlet, Michael R., CrossTalk: Where Life & Scripture Meet, (Greensboro: New Growth Press, 2009).

Powlison, David, “Is the Adonis Complex in Your Bible?” The Journal of Biblical Counseling 22, no.2 (2004): 43.