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Serve Teams

We would love your help!

Why We Serve

At the Shore, we have incredible people who serve, with the heart to make Jesus known and to serve each other through the offering of their gifts, time and talents. Serving is a great way to get involved, meet others within our church body and serve together at the Shore.

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.”
1 Peter 4:10-11

If you’d like to get involved, take a look at the teams below and go ahead and get connected! Whatever your individual gifts, passions and talents are, you can use them to serve alongside others in the body of Christ.

Sign Up for Serve Teams

    Select which Serve Teams you are interested in...

    SIGN ME UP! 

    You can sign up to serve on any of the teams below by contacting us at and we will direct you to the right person.


    This team is the front line as people enter the church. We are looking for those outgoing personalities that love to make connections with people and help people find connections within the church. If you have been given the gift of hospitality, helps, or administrating this is the team for you. If this is something you are interested in please email


    Thank you for your interest in serving in The Shore Kids ministry.   We serve babies from birth through to kids in grade 6 in our 10am Sunday classes. During this time we share Jesus with them, through bible teaching, worship songs, prayer time, crafts and games. We form meaningful relationships with them so that they feel known, loved and supported.  This is God’s ministry. He has entrusted it to us and to the families and people who are a part of our church. We have the opportunity to serve Him as we serve our kids and their families. For more information head to our KIDS Page.


    Are you looking to build in to, make disciples of, and have a whole bunch of fun with gr.7-12 students? We are looking for a team of people that love Jesus, can explain the gospel clearly, and that live it out in their lives. We meet with our Shore students every Wednesday night and would love for you to check it out. In order to serve on this team you must be a member of the Shore church or be willing to become one at the next Members Class. You can email to get more information. To learn more about our Youth Ministry, click HERE.

    Sunday Presentation

    We have roles for anybody and everyday. Sunday Presentation consists of the following teams:

    • Setup
      • Setting up the gym on Saturday evenings (times vary)
    • Teardown
      • Tearing down the gym after Sunday gatherings (usually done around noon)
    • Slides
      • Running the ProPresenter computer for worship on Sundays, helping develop, create, and organize slides, and setting up and tearing down on Sunday. You will be required to be there 8AM-12noon (or whenever everything is cleaned up).
    • Sound Tech
      • Run the soundboard for the band, preacher and MC. We are looking for those that have some skills in this area, but also those eager to learn and be trained. You will be required to be there 8AM-12noon (or whenever everything is cleaned up).

    Can you sing or play an instrument? We want YOU! You can email to get more information.


    This team is for members of the church only. The stewardship team is accountable for the funds that come in for the church. You can email the if you would be interested in helping on this very important team.